SRI - Socially Responsible Investing (JAN 2021)

SRI is an investment strategy which combines both the financial reward and social/ethical value

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Pound Cost Averaging (JAN 2021)

The video explains how pound cost averaging can be used by savers and investors to deal with risk and timing issues and how it can be integrated into any investment or savings strategy

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The habit of managing your money is more important than the amount. Most people work hard for their money but they don't have their money work hard for them. Compound interest gets your money working for you

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Asset Allocation & Diversification (FEB 2020)

To help preserve the value of your investments and enhance their growth potential over time, it’s important to stick with a personalised investment strategy through economic cycles as well as periods of market ups and downs. Two proven investment strategies can help you stay on track: asset allocation and diversification

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